Regression 10 - Pseudo-Inverse Matrix Approach - Relationship between MLE and LSA - Derivation

Pseudo-Inverse Matrix Approach:

The pseudo-inverse matrix approach is essentially the OLS approach. It provides a solution to the linear regression problem by minimizing the sum of squared residuals between the observed and predicted values. This approach is a direct algebraic method that does not make any probabilistic assumptions about the residuals; it simply finds the best fit in the least squares sense. 

For simple linear regression, the MLE estimates of the coefficients will actually be the same as the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) estimates, which are also the same as what you get from the pseudo-inverse matrix method, under the assumption of i.i.d. normal errors.

In this blog we show how to prove that 

Maximization of likelihood function under conditional Gaussian noise for a linear model is similar to the minimization of the sum of the squares error function. 

The complete derivation along with formulae used are provided. Ensure that you go through the previous blogs to get a better understanding of the derivation.


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