Lesson5.9. Candidate Elimination Algorithm


Consider the following dataset:

Training Dataset

A person named Aldo Enjoys sport under the given conditions.


The concept to learn is when does a person Aldo enjoy sports.

The answer is Boolean : Yes – enjoys sport or No – doesn’t enjoy sport.

Hypothesis Space

The actual space in which we search is huge. So let us restrict to a hypothesis representation of the search space with only the attributes in the training dataset. The easiest way to represent is by taking the conjunction of all the attributes.

That is,

<sunny, warm, normal, strong, warm, same, yes> is a hypothesis represented by <x,c(x)>. Here c(x) is ‘yes’.

We say that if it is,

Sunny and warm and normal and strong and warm and same, then Aldo enjoys sports.


We assume the following notations as before:

0 – most specific and implies that the attribute should have no value.

Attribute name – the given attributes in the table. Eg. sunny

? – the most generic where the attribute can take any value

G - General set - Can have multiple g


A hypothesis h is said to be consistent on x if

h(x) = c(x) for the training set x

A hypothesis h is consistent on a dataset D, if

h(x) = c(x) for all x in D

Version Space

The goal is to find all the consistent hypotheses on D. That is, find all hypothesis in hypothesis space H that are consistent with dataset D. This set is termed the Version Space.

Algorithm Overview


Create two sets G and S.

G = Set of all general hypotheses consistent with D

S = Set of all specific hypotheses consistent with D

Step 1 : Initialise

G_0 = Most General Hypotheses

 = <?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?>

S_0 = Most Specific Hypotheses

 = <0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>

G_0 and S_0 – the 0 mentions the number of instances already looked in the dataset.

Step 2: Perform Step 3 for all the instances in the training dataset

Step 3: Check if it is a positive label or negative label

That is, EnjoySport = Yes is positive

Perform Step 3.1., if the example is positive and Step 3.2 for negative examples

Step 3.1. The instance(x) is positive.

Step 3.1.1. Check G

Take the hypothesis(g) in G one by one and if it is inconsistent with x, remove the g from G

Step 3.1.2. Check S

Take the hypothesis(s) in S one by one and check with x.

If s is inconsistent with x,

-        Remove s from S

-        Find all the minimal generalizations of s such that:

o   They are consistent with x. Note that the generalization must be minimum.

o   They(s) are less general than some hypothesis in G.

o   Insert them in S

-        Check the hypothesis in S. If any hypothesis is more general than another hypothesis remove the hypothesis.

Step 3.2. The instance(x) is negative. (Note: We swap G and S wrt step 3.1)

Step 3.2.1. Check S

Take the hypothesis(s) in S one by one and if it is inconsistent with x, remove the s from S

Step 3.2.2. Check G

Take the hypothesis(g) in G one by one and check with x.

If g is inconsistent with x,

-        Remove g from G

-        Find all the minimal specifications of g such that:

o   They(g) are consistent with x. Note that the generalization must be minimum.

o   They are more general than some hypothesis in S.

o   Insert them in G

-        Check the hypothesis in G. If any hypothesis is less general than another hypothesis remove the hypothesis.

Minimal Generalization:

0 is replaced with specific attribute value


specific attribute value is replaced with ?

Eg. <0,0> is replaced with <warm, same>


<warm, same> may be replaced with <warm, ?>

The Algorithm(as in Tom Michell)

Example – Step by Step Explanation


G_0 = Most General Hypotheses

 = {<?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?>}

S_0 = Most Specific Hypotheses

 = {<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>}

Positive Instance 1 :  <sunny, warm, normal, strong, warm, same>

Check G_0

When we pass <sunny, warm, normal, strong, warm, same> in the hypothesis <?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?>, the result is “Yes” and so x is consistent with g in G.

G_1 = {<?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?>}

Check S_0

Remove inconsistent s

When we pass <sunny, warm, normal, strong, warm, same> in the hypothesis <0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>, the result is “No” and so x is inconsistent with s in S. Here there is only one ‘s’ in S.

S = {} after removing s

Add consistent and less general s

s=<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0> and minimal generalization is making 0 into a specific value that is consistent with x=<sunny, warm, normal, strong, warm, same>.

The number of minimal generalizations possible is very huge.

[For the example in lesson5.8, the minimal generalization of <0,0> are

Minimal generalization =

{ <warm, 0>, <cold, 0>,

<0,rural>, <0,urban>


Let x = <warm, rural>. It is does not fit the minimal generalization and so we make it a little more general, by changing 1 feature in every hypothesis.

Next_minimal_generalization = {

<warm, rural>, <warm, urban>, 

<cold, rural>, <cold, urban>


Next_Minimal generalization that fits sample =

{ <warm, rural>



So s=<sunny, warm, normal, strong, warm, same>

Also, s=<sunny, warm, normal, strong, warm, same> is less general than g=<?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?>

Insert s in S

S_1 = {<sunny, warm, normal, strong, warm, same>}


G_1 = {<?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?>}

S_1 = {<sunny, warm, normal, strong, warm, same>}

Positive Instance 2 :  <sunny, warm, high, strong, warm, same>

Check G_2

When we pass <sunny, warm, high, strong, warm, same> in the hypothesis <?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?>, the result is “Yes” and so x is consistent with g in G.

G_2 = {<?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?>}

Check S_2

Remove inconsistent s

When we pass x=<sunny, warm, high, strong, warm, same> in the hypothesis s=<sunny, warm, normal, strong, warm, same>, the result is “No” and so x is inconsistent with s in S. Here there is only one ‘s’ in S.

S = {} after removing s

Add consistent and less general s

s=<sunny, warm, normal, strong, warm, same> and minimal generalization is making specific value  to ? that is consistent with x=<sunny, warm, high, strong, warm, same>.

So s=<sunny, warm, ?, strong, warm, same>

Also, s=<sunny, warm, ?, strong, warm, same> is less general than g=<?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?>

Insert s in S

S_1 = {<sunny, warm, ?, strong, warm, same>}


G_2 = {<?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?>}

S_2 = {<sunny, warm, ?, strong, warm, same>}

Negative Instance 3 :  <rainy, cold, high, strong, warm, change>

Check S_3

When we pass <rainy, cold, high, strong, warm, change> in the hypothesis <sunny, warm, ?, strong, warm, same>, we see the first attribute should be “sunny” to get an “yes”, but the training set has “rainy”. Like this we can check for all attributes. So the result when passed through the hypothesis is “No” and this is a negative instance and so x is consistent with s in S.

S_3 = {<sunny, warm, ?, strong, warm, same>}

Check G_3

G_2 = {<?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?>} and it is inconsistent with x cause checking<rainy, cold, high, strong, warm, change> in q will return ‘yes’. But it is a negative instance.

G_3 = {} after removing g

Minimal specializations of g that are consistent are { <sunny, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?>, <?, warm, ?, ?, ?, ?>, <?, ?, normal, ?, ?, ?>, <?, ?, ?, weak, ?, ?>,  <?, ?, ?, ?, cold, ?>, <?, ?, ?, ?, ?, same> }.

This is because we assume 2 possible values for each attribute. If there was a third value like ‘medium’ for attribute ‘humidity’, we would have included <?, ?, medium, ?, ?, ?>.

[For the example in lesson5.8, the minimal specializations of <?,?> are

Minimal specialization =

{<warm, ?>, <cold, ?>, <?,urban>, <?,rural>}

Reason : All that pass in <warm, urban> will pass in <warm,?> and <?, ?>

But all that pass in <warm, ?> will not pass in <warm, urban>. So <warm, ?> next minimal generalization of <?, ?>

If <cold, rural> is a negative example, then we remove the inconsistent h{<warm, ?>, <cold, ?>, <?,urban>, <?,rural>}. The inconsistent h has the attribute name in it as cold or urban.

Further Explanation:

Here are the minimal specializations:

<warm, ?> (specializing the first feature to 'warm' while leaving the second feature general)

<cold, ?> (specializing the first feature to 'cold' while leaving the second feature general)

<?, rural> (leaving the first feature general and specializing the second feature to 'rural')

<?, urban> (leaving the first feature general and specializing the second feature to 'urban')

These are the most specific hypotheses that can be obtained from <?,?> by replacing one ? with a specific value from the corresponding feature's domain


Consistent_G_3 = { <sunny, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?>, <?, warm, ?, ?, ?, ?>, <?, ?, normal, ?, ?, ?>, <?, ?, ?, strong, ?, ?> , <?, ?, ?, ?, cold, ?>, <?, ?, ?, ?, ?, same> }

S_3 = {<sunny, warm, ?, strong, warm, same>}

Checking h >= s

That is, an ‘x’ that gives ‘yes’ in s should not give ‘no’ in h.

Less General : x gives 'no' in h, but 'yes' in s

<sunny, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?> is more general than <sunny, warm, ?, strong, warm, same>

<?, warm, ?, ?, ?, ?> is more general than <sunny, warm, ?, strong, warm, same>


Let x = <sunny, warm, high, strong, warm, same>

h=<?, ?, normal, ?, ?, ?> is less general than s=<sunny, warm, ?, strong, warm, same>

x is yes in s, but 'no' in h

Let x = <sunny, warm, normal, strong, warm, same>

h=<?, ?, ?, weak, ?, ?> is less general than s=<sunny, warm, ?, strong, warm, same>

x gives 'no' in h, but 'yes' in s

<?, ?, ?, ?, cold, ?> is less general than <sunny, warm, ?, strong, warm, same>

<?, ?, ?, ?, ?, same> is more general than <sunny, warm, ?, strong, warm, same>

G_3 = {<sunny, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?> , <?, warm, ?, ?, ?, ?>, <?, ?, ?, ?, ?, same>  }

Inside G_3, no hypothesis is less than another.


G_3 = {<sunny, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?> , <?, warm, ?, ?, ?, ?>, <?, ?, ?, ?, ?, same>  }

S_3 = {<sunny, warm, ?, strong, warm, same>}

Positive Instance 4 :  <sunny, warm, high, strong, cool, change>

Check G_4

Check if <sunny, warm, high, strong, cool, change> is consistent with every hypothesis in the set {<sunny, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?> , <?, warm, ?, ?, ?, ?>, <?, ?, ?, ?, ?, same> }.

<sunny, warm, high, strong, cool, change> consistent with <sunny, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?>

<sunny, warm, high, strong, cool, change> consistent with <?, warm, ?, ?, ?, ?>

<sunny, warm, high, strong, cool, change> is not consistent with <?, ?, ?, ?, ?, same>

G_4 = {<sunny, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?> , <?, warm, ?, ?, ?, ?>}

Check S_4

S_3 = {<sunny, warm, ?, strong, warm, same>}

Remove inconsistent s

When we pass x=<sunny, warm, high, strong, cool, change> in the hypothesis s=<sunny, warm, ?, strong, warm, same>, the result is “No” and so x is inconsistent with s in S. Here there is only one ‘s’ in S.

S = {} after removing s

Add consistent and less general s

s = <sunny, warm, ?, strong, warm, same>

Minimal Generalization = {}

s=<sunny, warm, ?, strong, warm, same> and minimal generalization is making specific value  to ? that is consistent with x=<sunny, warm, high, strong, cool, change>.

How to get minimal generalization

Comparing s and x:

The first attribute is the same: sunny.

The second attribute is the same: warm.

The third attribute differs (? in s can cover high in x).

The fourth attribute is the same: strong.

The fifth attribute differs: warm in s should be generalized to ? to cover cool in x.

The sixth attribute differs: same in s should be generalized to ? to cover change in x.

The minimal generalization of s to cover x would be:

s = <sunny, warm, ?, strong, ?, ?>

Also, s=<sunny, warm, ?, strong, ?, ?> is less general than G_4 = {<sunny, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?> , <?, warm, ?, ?, ?, ?>}

Insert s in S

S_4 = {<sunny, warm, ?, strong, ?, ?>}


G_4 = {<sunny, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?> , <?, warm, ?, ?, ?, ?>}

S_4 = {<sunny, warm, ?, strong, ?, ?>}

 Final Output

G = {<sunny, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?> , <?, warm, ?, ?, ?, ?>}

S = {<sunny, warm, ?, strong, ?, ?>}


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