Logistic Regression

 Logistic regression is a statistical method for binary classification. The classes can be considered as Y={0,1}. For a dataset X, we are trying to find


Logistic Regression Workflow

Linear Combination(logit)

The logit is calculated first as shown in the blog on Softmax. This is a linear combination of the input features given by

logit = t = w0 + w1 x1 + w2 x2 + ... + wn xn

This can be a value between (-INF, +INF). This value also reflects the log odds of P(Y=1|X).


The odds of an event occurring is the ratio between the probability of the event occurring to the probability of the event not occurring.

Odds = {P(Y=1|X} / {1 - P(Y=1|X}

Log Odds

This is the natural logarithm of the odds. In logistic regression we see that the log odds of P(Y=1|X) is the logit(t). The proof can be found in the pdf below.

Sigmoid Transformation

The logit(t) is passed through a sigmoid function to get a value between 0 and 1 and is interpreted as the probability of getting class Y=1. i.e. P(Y=1|X). In other words, the logistic function converts the log odds into a probability.

The following pdf gives the mathematical formulation of the logistic regression.

Interpretation of the coefficients in terms of odds ratios(AI Generated Portion)

The interpretation of the coefficients in terms of odds ratios is what makes logistic regression particularly insightful for understanding how various predictors influence the likelihood of different outcomes.

1. Positive Coefficient (t>0): 

When a coefficient is positive, its exponentiated form (e^t) will be greater than 1. This means that for every one-unit increase in the predictor variable, the odds of the outcome occurring (assuming the outcome is represented as (Y=1)) are multiplied by e^t, indicating a positive association between the predictor and the outcome. The greater the value of e^t, the stronger the positive association.

2. Negative Coefficient (t<0): 

If a coefficient is negative, e^t will be less than 1. This indicates that for every one-unit increase in the predictor variable, the odds of the outcome are multiplied by a value less than 1, effectively decreasing. Hence, there's a negative association between the predictor and the outcome; the predictor's increase is associated with a decrease in the odds of the outcome.

 3. Zero Coefficient (t= 0): 

When a coefficient is zero, e^t equals 1. This scenario means that the predictor has no effect on the odds of the outcome; there's no association between the predictor variable and the likelihood of the outcome occurring.

  Example for Clarity:

 - If a logistic regression model yields a coefficient t of 0.5 for a predictor (say, age), then (e^{0.5} approx 1.65). This means that with each additional year of age, the odds of the target event (e.g., purchasing a specific product) increase by 65%, holding all other variables constant.

 - Conversely, if another predictor (say, smoking) has a coefficient (t) of -0.3, then (e^{-0.3} approx 0.74). Thus, for each additional unit increase in smoking (however that's quantified), the odds of the target event decrease by 26%, all else being equal.

 - If a predictor (like the presence of a certain feature in a product) has a coefficient (t) of 0, its odds ratio (e^{0} = 1), indicating it has no effect on the likelihood of the outcome.

This interpretation of the coefficients in terms of odds ratios is what makes logistic regression particularly insightful for understanding how various predictors influence the likelihood of different outcomes.


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