Lesson 5.3. Concept Learning as Search

In the context of concept learning, the process involves searching through a hypothesis space to find the hypothesis that best fits the training examples. Let's use the house-buying scenario to illustrate this concept:

 Concept Learning in the House-Buying Scenario

In the house-buying scenario, Jordan decides whether to buy a house based on certain features:

1. Location: Urban (A), Suburban (B), Rural (C)

2. Budget: Within budget (Yes), Not within budget (No)

3. Size: Small, Medium, Large

4. Garden: Has garden (Yes), No garden (No)

5. Schools Nearby: Good schools nearby (Yes), No good schools nearby (No)

6. Public Transport: Convenient public transport (Yes), Inconvenient public transport (No)

 Instance Space (X)

- The instance space X consists of all possible combinations of these features. With the values given for each feature, the total number of distinct instances can be calculated as follows:

3*2*3*2*2*2 = 144

  (3 options for Location, 2 for Budget, 3 for Size, and 2 each for Garden, Schools Nearby, and Public Transport)

 Hypothesis Space (H)

- The hypothesis space H  includes all possible rules that can be formed using these features to decide whether to buy a house.

- Each feature can have specific values, be marked as "don't care" (indicated by "?"), or be marked as unacceptable (indicated by "0").

- For simplicity, let's assume that the unacceptable value ("0") is not used in this example. Then, the total number of syntactically distinct hypotheses can be calculated considering each attribute can take all of its possible values plus a "don't care" option:

(3+1)*(2+1)*(3+1)*(2+1)*(2+1)*(2+1) = 1296

  This results in a significantly large hypothesis space, though not all hypotheses may be semantically distinct.

 Searching the Hypothesis Space

- Learning in this context involves searching through  H to find a hypothesis that best explains the instances in X based on Jordan's preferences.

- For example, if Jordan has seen several houses and decided on each whether it's a buy or not, a learning algorithm would try to find a hypothesis that matches these decisions.

- This process could involve starting with a general hypothesis and specializing it based on the instances, or it could involve other search strategies like gradient descent in more complex spaces.

 Practical Application

- In real-world machine learning tasks, the hypothesis space can be very large or even infinite. Efficient search algorithms and heuristics are necessary to navigate this space.

- The chosen hypothesis representation (like decision trees, neural networks, etc.) limits the kinds of hypotheses that can be expressed and learned. The design of this representation is crucial in defining the learning algorithm's capabilities.


In summary, concept learning in the house-buying scenario involves defining a space of possible instances (combinations of house features) and a space of hypotheses (rules to decide on buying). The learning task is to search through the hypothesis space to find the rule that best matches Jordan's preferences based on the examples he has encountered.


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